Against all odds we, Lebanese people, managed to hold our creativity and high productivity and held our flag high despite all the issues this country is facing.

We believe we can be part of the economical healing process; Lebanon Tech Alliance (LTA) was a wake up call. 

The purpose of this alliance is to make ends meet. 

With the help of USAID, the Professional Computer Association (PCA) and several Lebanese ICT, LTA has been created to offer French SMEs and ETIs the expertise of member companies, who are qualified according to international standards.

The world has enough room for everyone to be successful. It is the beginning of a journey of supporting Lebanon’s economy.

The team consists of experienced professionals who have been exposed to European and Gulf cultures and are highly specialized in their respective sectors of activity. LTA’s target is to use the Lebanese professional workforce to provide a unique high quality of productivity around the world.

Here’s how we do it!

The Lebanese workforce proved, over the years, their proficiency level and high quality in handling tasks and meeting deadlines and clients expectations. 

We love challenges!

Finding the right candidate will be effortless from your side, since we offer you outsourcing services. All it takes from us is authenticity, dedication, persistence, determination, and most importantly – participation in the happiness and success of others. You will have access to an abundance of reliable Tech talents committed to working hours and achieving tasks before deadlines due to the time zone differences, and the ambition to be the best in any workplace.

How about languages; Hi, kifak, Ca va?

The majority of the Lebanese workforce speaks three languages; Arabic (native), English and French with levels related to their schools and universities. Language is not a problem sirs! Also, a friendly environment is a must for us Lebanese, so we tend to be easy going and make good communication that reaches an international level filled with respect. We appreciate team work. 

Thus, the Lebanese workforce is not only adequately skilled, but highly cost competitive as well. The labor base is relatively cheaper than many countries.

LTA was launched in a private ceremony on July 28th 2022 in Le Royal Dbayeh, with the participation of USAID representative, PCA President, The Economic Attaché at the Lebanese Embassy in Paris, our partners and Net Recrute team.

You have the vision, we hold the mission.